LI IRL 1/2 Day: Career Transition for Senior Leaders and Executives
Jul 18th - Jul 18th, 2022 PDT
Online Event, Seattle, WA
Be sure to join the "Executive Career Transition by Mayer Madison and LinkedIn IRL" on LinkedIn! Zoom meeting details will be posted within 2 hours of each event start time. Only those that register will be accepted into the "Executive Career Transition by Mayer Madison and LinkedIn IRL" on LinkedIn.
Videos must be turned on for the duration of the event. NO EXCEPTIONS! LinkedIn IRL is focused on leveraging LinkedIn the same way we behave IRL (In Real Life). Nobody shows up to an event with a paper bag over their heads! Participants are asked to show up and be present, ready to learn, engage, and connect with other professionals.
Job search is a full-time job. You become the CEO, CMO, CSO, CFO, and COO of YOU. And YOU need to be prepared for a different world of job search today. With various technologies and social media available these days, job search has become more complex than submitting applications/resumes to a hiring manager.
At Mayer Madison, we have decades of experience and expertise in both the recruiting and hiring processes as well as LinkedIn, ATS systems, and other technologies used on both sides of the hiring process. Mike Mayer, recovering Recruiter & Bobbie Foedisch, LinkedIn IRL (In Real Life) Creator have come together to create a modern approach to the job search process that leverages old-school techniques with new cool technologies.
News flash - the workforce is hybrid. Over the past 3 years, we have seen all facets of the workforce become a hybrid of traditional and technological advances. Hiring and job search are not excluded from this shift. The Mayer Madison approach will combine traditional techniques with the power of LinkedIn intelligence to create a modern approach to your job search, opening doors to more opportunities and shortening the job search cycle.
You will learn how to leverage LinkedIn intelligence in conjunction with the traditional phases of your job search from researching cultures to identifying connectors that can open doors for you to understanding your targets and more. This modern approach helps you focus on heading toward your next best opportunity with intention versus running away from your previous or current role.
You will gain insights into the interview process from the viewpoint of a recovering recruiter and hiring manager. You will learn how to leverage LinkedIn to leverage your network, open more doors, and create opportunities for your future. You will build your target list with intention and learn processes that will assist you in understanding, identifying, and landing your dream job.
Check out all of our FREE upcoming LinkedIn half-day workshops and 4-part LinkedIn series here: